HES Health Room

School Nurse – Beverly Danielson, BSN, RN


(860) 455- 9409 Ext 114👱‍♀️💻☎

Vaccination Reminder

All Pre-School students are required to receive flu vaccination each year between

August 1 – December 31

Hampton Congregational Church Food Pantry

236 Main Street

If you need to access the food pantry or would like to contribute, please contact Karen Burnham at burnham@charter.net or call 860 208 6013.

Available to Hampton, Scotland, and Chaplin residents

All calls and emails will remain confidential


Life-Threatening-Allergies-HES-Guidelines-12-20-18-1 PDF

Preschool-Physical-Exam-Policy 2018

Pre k flu immunization reminder (2)




CT Med Auth Form


Dear Parents/Guardians,

In keeping with the State of CT guidelines, each year your child receives a health screening at school. School based screening includes height, weight, and hearing checks. Children in 5th and 6th grade will also receive a blood pressure check and scoliosis check. If a child does not pass the initial screening, they will be re-tested at a later date. If results are consistently not within the recommended guidelines, we will send home a referral for your child to be examined by a physician. As in previous years, vision screening will be completed by using the Kids Sight program sponsored by the Lions Club of Danielson. The Spot Vision Screening Tool is also used at many pediatrician offices and gives a much more accurate eye screening.

Please send a note, email, or call the health room if you have any questions or concerns. Our screenings will begin in the fall and a note will go home with details as screenings get closer.


Beverly Danielson,RN
