Week of 5/18: Your health assignment has been posted in google classroom.  If you have any questions please email me: kgarrison@hamptonschool.org

Click:Virtual Health Class


Week of 5/11: Bike Safety Review: Please read and watch the video on Bike Safety.  Send me a picture of you riding your bike (or scooter, roller skates/blades) safely.


It’s a beautiful day — what could be more perfect than a bike ride? But wait! Before you pull your bike out of the garage, let’s find out how to stay safe on two wheels.

Why Is Bike Safety So Important?

Bike riding is a lot of fun, but accidents happen.  Every year, lots of kids need to see their doctor or go to the emergency room because of bike injuries.

Why Should Kids Wear a Bike Helmet?

Wearing a helmet that fits well every time you’re on a bike helps protect your face, head, and brain if you fall down. That’s why it’s so important to wear your bike helmet whenever you are on a bike.

Bike helmets are so important that the U.S. government has created safety rules for them. Your helmet should have a sticker that says it meets the rules set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). If your helmet doesn’t have a CPSC sticker, ask your mom or dad to get you one that does.

Wear a bike helmet every time you ride, even if you’re going for a short ride. And follow these rules:

  • Make sure your bike helmet fits you well.
  • Always wear your helmet the right way so it will protect you: Make sure it covers your forehead and don’t let it tip back. Always fasten the straps.
  • Don’t wear a hat under your helmet.
  • Take care of your helmet and don’t throw it around. If it’s damaged, it won’t protect you as well when you need it.
  • Get a new helmet if you fall while you’re on your bike and hit your head.
  • Put reflective stickers on your helmet so drivers can see you better.

What’s the Right Bike for Me?

Riding a bike that is the right size for you helps to keep you safe.

To check the size:

  • When you are on your bicycle, stand straddling the top bar of your bike so that both feet are flat on the ground.
  • There should be 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 centimeters) of space between you and the top bar.

Making a safety checklist is important. Ask your mom or dad for help:

  • Make sure your seat, handlebars, and wheels fit tightly.
  • Check and oil your chain regularly.
  • Check your brakes to be sure they work well and aren’t sticking.
  • Check your tires to make sure they have enough air and the right amount of tire pressure.

What Should I Wear When I Ride My Bike?

Wearing bright clothes and putting reflectors on your bike also can help you stay safe. It helps other people on the road see you. And if they see you, that means they’re less likely to run into you.

You’ll also want to make sure that nothing will get caught in your bike chain, such as loose pant legs, backpack straps, or shoelaces.

Wear the right shoes — sneakers — when you bike. Sandals, flip-flops, shoes with heels, and cleats won’t help you grip the pedals. And never go riding barefoot!

Riding gloves may help you grip the handlebars — and make you look like a professional!

Don’t wear headphones because the music can distract you from noises around you, such as a car blowing its horn so you can get out of the way.

Where Is it Safe to Ride My Bike?

You need to check with your mom and dad about:

  • where you’re allowed to ride your bike
  • how far you’re allowed to go
  • whether you should ride on the sidewalk or in the street. Kids younger than 10 years should ride on the sidewalk and avoid the street.
  • common things that can get in the way like rocks, children or pets, big puddles

No matter where you ride, daytime riding is the safest. So try to avoid riding your bike at dusk and later.

And always keep an eye out for cars and trucks. Even if you’re just riding on the sidewalk, a car may pull out of its driveway into the path of your bike. If you’re crossing a busy road, walk your bike across the street.

What Road Rules Should I Know?

If you’re allowed to ride on the street, follow these road rules:

  • Always ride with your hands on the handlebars.
  • Always stop and check for traffic in both directions when leaving your driveway, an alley, or a curb.
  • Cross at intersections. When you pull out between parked cars, drivers can’t see you coming.
  • Walk your bike across busy intersections using the crosswalk and following traffic signals.
  • Ride on the right-hand side of the street, so you travel in the same direction as cars do. Never ride against traffic.
  • Use bike lanes wherever you can.
  • Don’t ride too close to parked cars. Doors can open suddenly.
  • Stop at all stop signs and obey traffic (red) lights just as cars do.
  • Ride single-file on the street with friends.
  • When passing other bikers or people on the street, always pass to their left side, and call out “On your left!” so they know that you are coming.

How Do I Signal My Turns?

Hand signals are like turn signals and brake lights for bikers. It helps cars and trucks know what you will do next so they don’t run into you. Don’t change directions or lanes without first looking behind you, and always use the correct signals.

Use your left arm for all signals:

  • Left turn:After checking behind you, hold your arm straight out to the left and ride forward slowly.
  • Stop:After checking behind you, bend your elbow, pointing your arm downward in an upside down “L” shape and come to a stop.
  • Right turn:After checking behind you, bend your elbow, holding your arm up in an “L” shape, and ride forward slowly. (Or, hold your right arm straight out from your side.)

Now that you’ve learned those hand signals, you get a big thumbs-up for finding out more about bike safety!

Click: Bike Safe, Bike Smart Video



Week of 5/4: Your health assignment is posted in google classroom.  If you have any questions please email me. Kgarrison@hamptonschool.org


Grade 3 Lesson 4

Watch the video and complete the assignments. Due 5/5. Email me a picture of your completed work. 


Grade 3 Lesson 3

Zoom video posted in google classroom.



Grade 3 Lesson 2:
Healthful Food, Less Healthful Food


  • State the principles and reasons for MyPlate.
  • Rank foods according to nutrient-loaded and calorie-loaded foods and describe their effects upon the body.
  1. In this lesson, we’re going to learn more about choosing healthful food and avoiding less healthful food. The tool we have to help us is called MyPlate.
  2. What makes food less healthful? (few nutrients; a lot of added fat, salt, and/or sugar)
  3. What makes food healthful? (contains nutrients, doesn’t have a lot of added salt, sugar, or fat)
  4. Why is healthful food important to our bodies and our minds? (gives us energy, helps us to think and learn, protects us from certain diseases, etc.)
  • We use the terms healthful and less healthful just like nutritional experts do. These words replace the terms “junk food” and “good food.” We say food is healthful and our bodies are healthy.

5.Read the front cover of your student issue and summarize the major points. Next, read the section entitled “Choose Your Plate,” on page 3.

  1. Define terms: Calorie, loaded calorie

* calorie is a measure of the amount of energy in each food. We use measuring cups to measure ingredients. Calories measure the amount of energy in foods. Some foods have a lot of calories. These foods give us a lot of energy and are called calorie-loaded. Other foods have fewer calories so they don’t give us as much energy. When calories don’t get used by the body, they are stored as fat. Too many calories, over a long period of time can cause our bodies to store so much fat that we can have health problems. Since active people burn more calories, they need more nutrient–loaded foods. If less active people ate the same amount of food, they would not burn the calories and store the extra calories as fat.

7.Read “Food and Energy,” on page 3 of the Student Issue.

Answer these questions on a piece of paper:

  1. Which of the two characters in the picture needs more energy? Explain your answer.
  2. What do we call foods that have a lot of energy? 
  3. What do we call foods that have a lot of nutrients? 

 Look at MyPlate pictures. Foods in the grain, fruit, vegetable, dairy, and protein groups are both calorie and nutrient-loaded. These healthful foods include whole grain bread, oatmeal, apples, raisins, cheese, nuts, and eggs.

  • Foods in the vegetable group are nutrient-loaded but not usually calorie-loaded. They include lettuce, squash, potatoes, and spinach.
  • Some foods have too much fat or sugar and are not healthful. We call these junk food.
  • Less healthful (or junk) food is calorie-loaded and not nutrient-loaded. Foods like potato chips can have very few nutrients, but a lot of calories. They may give you energy, but don’t have as many of the nutrients your body needs to grow and repair itself. The unused, or extra calories that your body doesn’t need, get stored as fat. Too much fat can cause diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, even in children.


  • 4. What are some other examples of less healthful food that are calorie-loaded and nutrient poor? 
  • MyPlate does not include these less healthful foods. However, if we eat these foods, it should only be a small amount, once in a while.

5. What do you think would happen to a person who eats only calorie-loaded foods? 

6. What do you think would happen to a person who eats nutrient -loaded foods? 

Assignment: Due: 4/21 – Complete worksheet page 50 in the packet I mailed home “This Food is Loaded.” Use the following information to help identify calorie-loaded foods.

  • grapes: 1 cup of fresh seedless grapes is 104 calories
  • celery: one stalk of celery is between 6–10 calories
  • corn chips: 230 calories for a small bag of corn chips.
  • orange juice: 1 cup of orange juice is 110 calories
  • lettuce: one leaf of lettuce is 1–2 calories
  • rice: 1 cup of cooked rice is 246 calories
  • soda: 12 ounces of soda ranges between 124–189 calories
  • water: 1 cup of water is 0 calories
  • candy bar: between 210–270 depending upon the candy bar
  • cheese: 1 ounce slice of hard cheese is 104 calories
  • potato: 1 medium baked potato is 161 calories

**Please email me a picture of your completed work from this lesson.  Any questions, email me Kgarrison@hamptonschoo.org

Third Grade Health Lesson 1:
Nutrients and Digestion

Performance Objectives:

  • Explain how the body uses nutrients to nourish cells by describing the process of digestion.
  • Describe ways of respecting the body through proper nutrition.
  • Explain how to include more nutrients in food choices.


  1. Preview the Student Issue, scanning for text features, important words, and interesting facts.  Interpret graphics and predict themes and content that will be covered throughout the unit.
  2. On a piece of paper answer: “How is gas in a car like food in your body?” Think about the similarities between gas and food.


Today, we are going to learn more about: nutrients—the parts of food which our bodies use to grow, repair themselves, and give us energy. Digestion—how food is broken down by our bodies so they can use the nutrients the food provides.


  1. Write the word NUTRIENTS on a piece of paper (you can use the back of one of the worksheets I mailed home if you need to.) In your own words, what can you tell me about nutrients?  Do this now before reading on.

2. Nutrients is like gas for a car. In order for a car to run, it needs gas. In order for our bodies to run, we need to eat food which contains six important nutrients.

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrate
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Water
  • Fat


If our bodies don’t get these nutrients, they will become unhealthy. Muscles and bones won’t grow. We can get sick when we don’t get the nutrients we need.

Foods vary in the amount of nutrients they contain. Some foods have more of one kind of nutrient than another does. For example, spaghetti has protein and carbohydrates. Since spaghetti has more carbohydrates, we say spaghetti is a carbohydrate food. When we talk about food, we will make it easy by thinking of the most common nutrient that food contains.


Examples of food which contain certain nutrients:


Protein: fish, chicken, beef, lentils, legumes, soy curd, tofu

Carbohydrate: breads, bagels, rice pilaf, pasta, crackers, tortillas, potato

Vitamins: various fruits and vegetables, green beans

Minerals: low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, green leafy vegetables

Water: pure water, not juice, tea, or soda

Fat: vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, cheese, milk, meat, and fish



Let’s learn how our food gets to each part of the body. To digest our food means to convert it, or break it down into parts that our bodies can use. Everything we eat and drink must be digested before we can use it. The following experiment will show how this works.

Sugar Cube Experiment **OPTIONAL**

Place a sugar cube in a handkerchief. Secure it with the string or rubber band. Fill a glass with water, sample the water, and describe how it tastes. Place the wrapped sugar cube into the glass of water and leave it alone. Warm water speeds up the process.

Let’s see what happens to the water after we have finished reading the Student Issue.


  1. Read page 2 in your student issue. “ The Inside Story”
  2. Your body wouldn’t be able to use a whole apple, peanut butter sandwich, or glass of low-fat milk. In order for your body to use food, it must first turn solid foods into liquid, and break all foods into tiny parts that are so small we can’t see them with our eyes. This process is called digestion. Digestion begins when you chew. Your saliva helps your teeth make your food very soft. Each step of the way through your body, that food becomes smaller and more liquid. The nutrients in the apple, peanut butter sandwich, or low-fat milk can then pass out of your intestines and into your blood.

** If you tried the Sugar Cube Experiment, sample the water again, does it taste different?

  • We saw the sugar cube when it was solid and hard. In the water, the sugar cube becomes softer and smaller. Parts of the sugar become so small we can’t see them. Then, the sugar can pass through the very small spaces between the threads of the handkerchief and into the water. This is what happens in the body. The food turns into liquid and the nutrients pass through the small spaces in the walls of the intestines and move into the blood. It’s the blood’s job to take the nutrients to every part of the body.


  1. Look at Betsy on page 2 and write down the body parts we call the digestive system (we learned this in health class right before school was closed.)
  2. Please complete worksheet More Nutrients, Please!


** If you do not receive your health packets by this Friday 4/3, please email me. Kgarrison@hamptonschool.org

**Email me pictures of your completed work, and save all your work in your health envelope. Remember you have one week to complete your assignment.